Checking Mobility

The following post is a question answered by Frank Dolan from the Nike Training Network on the Nike Training Club App.

Question: How often do you check you mobility? I am 31 trying to go back in time with some movement. Out of shape and over weight. Any suggesting for goals or routines?

Answer: Each time you "work on" mobility and movement you are actually "checking" mobility.  As we age it is important to work on mobility daily especially to counter the effects of sitting and forward head postures from our now tech saturated lifestyles.  If you are talking about "checking" mobility as in a formal and systematized test like the Functional Movement Screen, then I would say you should check in weekly if you have a problematic movement dysfunction to make sure what you are doing is getting you moving better.  Once you start to move more efficiently and have no serious movement dysfunctions, I would move to every three weeks to a monthly cadence.

See NTC App:

Learn More about the Functional Movement Screen: