5-day In-season Soccer Program

The following post is a question answered by Frank Dolan from the Nike Training Network on the Nike Training Club App.

Question: Can you please help me make a 5-day a week physical training program for the soccer season? It's going to be in the gym before school every morning so it should be around an hour long. Can you try to make it focused around speed, agility, balance, strength, and explosiveness? Thank you!

Answer: During the soccer season it is important that you take the volume of work and player adaptability into consideration.  You can manipulate the type, duration, and intensity based on how much work they do on field in games and practices as well as check in with players daily to monitor their soreness level, energy level, mood, and amount of hours slept.  This can get very complex but if you follow the principle of slowly adapting players to work over the entire season you can insure that you do not overtrain them and get the most out of them on the pitch.  As for the workouts, you can keep them all an hour long but I would change the ratios of how much time you spend on things based on overall volume.  For example, on a day you need to back off the intensity you could go with a lot of foam rolling, mobility, movement training, balance work, team building exercises, and possibly some "chalk talk" or strategy sessions.  On days you can push them you could incorporate more intense speed training in all directions, a balanced total body strength training session, and power work.  

See NTC App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nike-training-club/id301521403