The following post is a question answered by Frank Dolan from the Nike Training Network on the Nike Training Club App.
Question: I'm a 17 year old footballer and I want to know how can I improve mobility of my hip as I have a history of hip injury.
Answer: With a history of hip injury it is important that you approach the post rehab training with precision. You may need more mobility but I would also be careful not to create a lot of mobility without keeping up with your motor control. The hips need a predominance of mobility but they also need stabilization, durability, and motor control to play the game of football. As long as your hip is pain free you should focus on the quality of movement as a whole. This will require an element of mobility but also the other attributes that the hip is responsible for. Some specific things you can do would be to foam roll on a regular basis, quad and hip flexor stretching, groin stretching, piriformis stretching, hamstring stretching, glute activation exercises, core activation exercise, and leg strength. It can also be a great option to find a professional in your area to screen your movement patterns who is certified in the Functional Movement Screen.
See NTC App:
More information on the Functional Movement Screen: