Gain Strength and Increase Muscle Mass

The following post is a question answered by Frank Dolan from the Nike Training Network on the Nike Training Club App.

Question: Hello there! I am currently training to gain strength to increase muscle mass. My next step would be minimize fat percentage.  What would be the best way to approach it?

Answer: That's great that your current plan is to gain strength and increase muscle mass.  Believe it or not, increasing lean muscle mass is one of the best things you can do to minimize body fat percentage.  The best way to approach this next step in your training plan is to make sure you are measuring body fat percentage.  If you are not measuring (or measuring the wrong thing), you will not know if you are getting results with your program.  I would then recommend you focus in on a supportive nutrition plan for your goals.  You may want to hire a coach to keep you accountable and help you create a plan that will get you moving towards your goal.

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